Financing of a regional express train (TER) in Senegal
- Date: May 2016
- Joint Financial Advisor: Ascent Capital Partners and CPCS
Project highlights
- The State of Senegal launched in 2016 an RFP for the construction of a regional express train (TER) and its related infrastructure, aimed at transporting passengers from Dakar to Diamniadio to AIBD (Aéroport International Blaise Diagne)
- Indeed, the TER will serve the Diamniadio’s digital technology park (under construction), and will extend to the new AIBD airport through which several million passengers transit each year
- Granted to Ascent by way of an international RFP, this assignment aims at implementing one of the highest-priority projects of the Plan for Emerging Senegal (PES), and corresponds to a global investment package of over €700 million
Overview of the PES
- The PES, launched in 2014, establishes the mid- and long-term strategy for Senegal’s economic and social policy, with the objective to reach an emerging Senegal in 2035 while providing a cohesive society under the rule of law
- The three main priorities of the PES are (i) bringing a structural transformation of the economy, (ii) promoting human capital and (iii) enabling good governance